Spiders  Spiders Spiders!

A spider’s body:


Many kinds of spiders live in the world. Some are smaller than the nail on your pinkie finger.  A few are as big as a dinner plate! Even thought this might sound crazy, I would LOVE to see a spider the size of a dinner plate, but I would’t want to eat if for dessert even with a cherry and candy on top!  I like the spiders poison gland the most cause that’s what it uses to inject venom into the prey.

No matter how big or little spiders are, they all have 8 legs and 2 body parts and are important to our world. Without them, the food web would basically not have many animals.  Sometimes I go down to the creek with my friend Jared and we catch water striders and feed them to the spiders on the side of my house.  

What would you do if you saw a spider the size of a dinner plate?